A Tool That Describes The Interactions Between The User And The Program. Pls Pa Answer Po Thx

A tool that describes the interactions between the user and the program. PLS PA ANSWER PO THX

A tool that describes the interactions between the user and the program

Human–computer interaction (HCI) is a straightforward topic. There is always someone who wants to do something, such as write an essay or fly an airplane. Incorporating a mediating computer into the action is what distinguishes it as Human–computer interaction HCI. In theory, our human could have completed the assignment without the assistance of the computer. She may have written with a quill pen and ink, for example, or flown an airplane with hydraulic controls. These arent quite Human–computer interaction HCI. They do make use of intermediary tools or devices, and the design process and facts of their use are similar to those of Human–computer interaction  HCI.

Is a sign that the user has interacted with the program.


