These Are Function Of System Software Expect?

These are function of system software expect?


The main type of system software is the Operating System. This is generally made up of many separate programs; there are drivers for each of the devices connected to the computer, like monitors, keyboards, HDD, SSD, mouse, etc. The distinguishing characteristic of all of these programs is that they provide the low-level programming to interdface directly with the various hardware components. They also provide an interface that the application software can connect to. Their main purpose is to relieve the application programmer from having to program each piece of hardware separately. The application code merely sends a command to the system software to do something, like ‘read the next line of text from the HDD’. The system software keeps track of where the next line of text is, and does the necessary steps to read bytes of data from that point on the HDD until it detects the end of that line of text. In the process, if it encounters an error it may take some corrective action to attempt to resolve the error, or it may merely return an error code to the application. Assuming that the read operation was successful, the system software stores internally the place where it stopped reading in case the next line of text might be requested and ends the process. By doing things in this manner, if the HDD is changed for a larger or smaller capacity one, or one that has different internal characteristics. the application program will still function properly as the system software will be able to adjust to the hardware differences internally.
