Direction: List Down At Least Three Tips To Consider Before, During And Aiter A Typhoon, Hits Your P

Direction: List down at least three tips to consider before, during and aiter a typhoon

hits your place. Fill in the table below for your answer.



  • Strengthen your homes by securing the roof, windows, and doors.
  • Monitor the news about weather and make sure that you’re ready.
  • Make sure flashlights and battery powered radios have batteries or are electrically charged.


  • Stay calm and do not panic.
  • Listen to the radio or TV for information and keep your weather radio handy.
  • Secure your home, close storm shutters and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.


  • Check your family if they are ok and the things around your house.
  • Thoroughly check your home and fix them as soon as possible.
  • Check for possible breeding places for mosquitos and get rid or rain water.

